
Many hands make light work! There are several ways that you can get involved and help out at RPIC. Below are a few volunteer opportunities for adults.



75 Babies…

Child care is planned during the morning sessions, including Sunday morning worship. We will have more than 75 babies from infant to age 2. We are looking for volunteers to sign up to help. We will need 10-15 volunteers every day. We ask that each parent volunteer at least one morning. Please email Pam Fisher  and let her know when you may be available to help.


Preschool Volunteers Needed

Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends: The preschool program needs 12–15 volunteers each day (Sabbath through Thursday). Would you consider signing up to serve the 3- to 5-year-olds for a morning or two? Please email Barb Mann if you would like to help. There will also be an opportunity to sign up at the conference.


Help Wanted for RPIC 2016 Juniors program

The Junior program director, Jerri Faris, is still looking for people college-age and older who would like to help each morning (Monday through Thursday) from 8:45 to 11:45 a.m. and the Lord’s Day during the Sunday School hour.

You will not need to prepare anything in advance except to come with a cheerful spirit and a love for children! You will receive 50% remission from the $290 adult conference fee. Click here to mail Jerri for more information.