
Lord’s Day Schedule

Registration at the conference is not required to attend worship and other meetings on the Lord’s Day. Pre-registration and pre-payment for the midday meal is available at this link.

9:00-10:15am   Worship
“A Child’s Powerful Witness”
Gordon Keddie

10:30-11:45am   Classes
– Pre-school, juniors, middle school
– Adults, College, High School with Barry York

11:30am-1:30pm   Lunch

2:00-3:00pm   Mission Team Sending Service

3:00-4:00pm   Psalm Sing

4:30-6:30pm   Dinner

7:00-8:30pm   Worship
“Power. Prayer. Providence.”
Matt Kingswood

9:00-10:00pm   Psalm Sing with New Song

9:00-10:00pm   Bonfire for College Age

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Lord’s Day AM: “A Child’s Powerful Witness”
2 Kings 1-5, with Luke 4:16-30
Gordon Keddie

Lord’s Day PM: “Power. Prayer. Providence.”
Eph. 3:14-21, with Isa. 40:27-31
Matt Kingswood

Tuesday PM: “Seasoned for the Flames”
Matt. 5:11-16, with Dan. 3:13-18 and 6:10-18
Dr. Jeff Stivason

Thursday PM: “Can You See It?”
Neh. 6:1-19, with Isa. 65:17-25 and Rev. 21:1-3
Dr. Pete Smith