Tuesday Morning Seminars

Around the World with RPGM in 60 Minutes
David Hanson & John McFarland
Come hear exciting updates from each of the fields where RP Global Missions is serving, and find out the many ways you and those in your congregation can be a part of the work God is doing to draw a people to himself from every tribe, tongue and people. You will also get to hear about what our vision is for the future.

Doing the Work of an Evangelist in Closed Countries
Aaron Goerner
This seminar will explore how the Internet has opened doors for the Gospel in Muslim lands closed to the gospel for some 1,400 years. We’ll also be exploring ideas for networking in an RP global alliance.

The Reformation’s Secret Weapons: The Catechism and Psalter
John Bower, Adjunct Professor of Church History, RPTS
Explore how the cry of Sola Scriptura resonated powerfully through the Reformation’s chief textbooks for learning and piety: the catechism and psalter. More than opportunities for memorization and public praise, these works promoted church unity through the home, school and parish. How were these tools of the Christian life so effective, and what lessons can we learn for their use today?

Sabbath School Curriculum

Handle with Care: Navigating Child Protection Regulations for Institutions
Brian Jensen
Government regulations for churches and schools continue to increase in response to public demand and a changing cultural landscape. We can often find ourselves with barely enough time to figure out what each requirement means, let alone the time to ask “Is this helping, or hurting?” During our time, we will take a look at a few of these new expectations, what they mean for our institutions, and workshop together to navigate potential benefits and possible downfalls.

Reaching Together for True Revival: Cultivating a Culture of Prayer
Rev. Daniel Hyde
Cultivating a Culture of Prayer will help develop a theology of prayer as an instrument of revival. How can we as congregations practically grow together in our corporate prayer life? Provided by RP Vital Churches.

Loving & Supporting Children in Need as a Church Family:
Safe Families, Foster Care, & Adoption
Andrew & Alaina Falk; Luke & Elizabeth Nelson
How can the church support adoptive families? How can the church come alongside families serving in foster care and Safe Families? How do you know if you are called to these ministries? What resources are available for families and churches considering these ministries or who have individuals and families serving in these capacities?

Christian School: Is It Right for Your Family?
Courtney and Barb Miller
Come explore the what, why, and how of Christian Schooling. Map out what you need to look for in a Christian School and what they may be looking for in you. Consider the pros and cons of Christian School while comparing it to homeschool and public school options. Share your questions and experiences as we discover if Christian School may be the right choice for you and your family.

Living with Cancer: A Christian Perspective on Understanding and Living with a Dreaded Disease
Richard Holdeman
Rich is a senior lecturer in biology at Indiana University as well as a pastor at the Bloomington Reformed Presbyterian Church. He has been living with leukemia for the past three years. Come hear his perspective on how to find hope when you or a loved-one hears those dreaded words, “You’ve got cancer.”

Keeping the Lord’s Day in a Sunday World
Keith M. Wing
Our western culture is increasingly generic when it comes to the days of the week. How can Christians today honor God and the Lord’s Day in a world that doesn’t have a consistent context for the 4th commandment as a creation ordinance? We will hear from several people who have wrestled with this matter in various walks of life. We will reserve time for Q&A.

Tuesday Afternoon Seminars

Chinese Education Freedom Fund: Advancing His Kingdom through Christian Education
Jerri Faris and Brenda Schaefer
With the increase of house churches in East Asia, more and more Christian parents have realized the importance of giving their children a Christian education. These pioneers have bravely set out on this new path though they face persecution. Circumstances are usually very difficult for them. While many Christian materials have been translated, there is virtually no Christian education curriculum in the languages of East Asia. CEFF is unique in focusing on this area of great need. The purpose of CEFF is to strengthen Christian K-12 education in East Asia by raising funds to translate curriculum into the native languages of the region.​

Reaching Together for True Revival: Conquering Obstacles to Revival
Rev. Daniel Hyde
Conquering Obstacles to Revival briefly outlines the challenges many local congregations face in a vital life and ministry together. A time of Q&A will follow. How can we consider together practical ways to foster a spirit of revival in our churches? Provided by RP Vital Churches.

Jewish Mission: Puritan Aspiration v. Present Confusion; A comparison of the Reformed theology on Israel that brought an evangelical burden and aspiration and the current mix and mess of Christian Gnosticism and Radical Dispensationalism. Making a plea for a reformed intentionality and interest in the ‘grafting in again’ of Romans 11.
Rev. Stephen G.T. Atkinson (Director of of Ministry, Christian Witness to Israel – North America)
I hope to first examine a Scriptural mandate for Jewish mission, then see the loss of that commission in particular by Romanism, and draw us to a restoration of the concern for the ancient people, as displayed post-Reformation in the Westminster standards, and Scots Presbyterians. In the most pro-Israel country on the planet, and surrounded by 42% of the world’s Jewish population, Reformed Churches and Christians in the USA should seek passionately, even personally, to bring the gospel to Jewish people, and desire star-gazing and geo-political obsessions to be ‘left behind’!

RPCNA Life between the Civil War and WWI
Bryan Schneider
Ever wonder what life was like for RPs between the Civil War and World War I? How did westward expansion affect RPs? How did the Total Abstinence and Christian Amendment movement develop? How did Pastors, their wives, immigrants, and lay people deal with prayer meetings, evangelism, worship, death, marriage, and daily life? Come explore this world with us!

Your Last Testimony…Preparing for Your Funeral
Jim Braum
Funeral Service has changed dramatically in recent years. Many families opt out of any service altogether. As a Christian, have you considered the purpose of your funeral? What testimony would you leave for your family and friends? What about cremation? How can we prepare a last testimony of our lives of faith and still be good stewards of our funds?

Tuesday Evening Seminar

Reaching Together for True Revival: Completing the Pastoral Ministry
Rev. Daniel Hyde
This informal dinner session with pastors will flow from 1 Thessalonians 2:1–12 where Paul sets out his ministry to the Thessalonians. How can we as Pastors aspire to and grow in Paul’s example? Reservations required.

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