Daily announcements will appear here, updated as they come in, with newest entries at the top of this page.

Checkout Procedure for RPIC 2024
TIMING: You must be completely out of your room on Monday, July 1, by 10:00 a.m.
LINENS: Leave all bed linens on the bed and all towels in the bathroom. Wet towels should preferably be left hanging to dry.
TRASH: Place all trash in proper trash cans in your dorm, etc.
KEYS: There will be key dropboxes in each dorm lobby for your keys. If you are staying in the Townhouses, bring your keys to the key dropbox at the Barnes Student Center information desk.
DOORS: Leave your doors UNLOCKED when you leave so the staff can easily get in to do their room sweep. And please take all door signs OFF your doors.
MEALS: There will be NO breakfast on Monday, July 1.

Rev. Ed Blackwood would like to clarify that he misspoke this morning: Howard and Irene Huizing celebrated their 53rd anniversary this week, not their 33rd as he mistakenly said.
LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! The psalm sing scheduled for the Lord’s Day afternoon at 3:45 p.m.will be held in the CHAPEL because it is a larger space.
The Lord’s Day High School Q&A with Warren Peel (2:30 – 3:30 p.m.) will be moved from the Noggle Ministries Center to the Phillippe Auditorium 140.

An offering will be collected on Lord’s Day Morning during worship. Proceeds will be directed toward the work of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America through RPM&M. Checks can be made payable to “RP International.”

TONIGHT! 9:30 to 11:00 p.m.!
IRISH BARN DANCE in the chapel auditorium
for Juniors in high school through college age!

Saturday, 2-4:30pm
Swing dancing in Phillippe AUDITORIUM! Bring your friends and come join us even if you have no idea how to dance! We will have jazzy east coast swing and country swing along with some line dances.
(Led by Heidi Ramsey)

Last Day of Rec: The final rec tournament of the conference is today at 2:30 at the RWC with the Open Division Basketball Tournament. Come check it out! Winners of all the tournaments will be posted on the RPIC 2024 Facebook page next week.
Games in the Piazza: Don’t forget to start claiming your games that are left in the Piazza area by tonight! If you borrowed a game or puzzle from the Willsons’ pink/green/blue/white-striped bag, please return the item to the bag by 11 p.m. on Saturday night. Also, it looks like some games have been added to our bag that are not ours. Please check to see if your missing game is in the bag.
Community Puzzle Finished: Congratulations to Avery Hemphill and Sarah Willson on the completion of the Community Puzzle in the Piazza.
Rec Gear Available to Good Homes: For a donation of $15-$25, we have several recreation items available for you to take home for your congregation to use in your fellowship and community outreach opportunities.
Text Judy at 719-290-6732 to reserve. First come, first serve.
Here is the list of available items:
Corn Hole (2 sets available) – $25/each
Spikeball (1 set) – $20
Can Jam (1 set) – $20
Bocce Ball (1 set) – $20
Ladders (1 set) – $20
T-ball (1 set) – $15
Bean Bag Toss (1 set) – $15

RP Global Missions Passport Control will close for the Lord’s Day tomorrow. If you are participating in the Passport Challenge, be sure you finish TODAY. Please respect; we do not want kids (and adults) to face disappointment on the Lord’s Day at the end of a long week.

Attention all RP Church of Canada attendees. Please gather outside between Barnes Student Center and the chapel auditorium at 12 noon for a group photo.

Anyone interested in pickleball on Saturday afternoon? We will be playing at Matter Park (Marion, IN) starting around 1:30 p,m. We have extra paddles and balls. Bring water and a cheerful spirit.
If you have questions, please text Brenan at 617.692.0932.

CROWN & COVENANT: If you had a book embossed at Crown & Covenant bookstore, it is finished. Please pick up your book on Saturday.
Crown & Covenant bookstore is having a sale on items left in the store to reduce the books they need to take back to Pennsylvania. Please come and lighten their load.
Crown & Covenant’s bookstore will close at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday so that staff can pack up before the Sabbath day. Please plan any visits accordingly. Thanks!

Guessing the number of M&Ms in the RPM&M jar will STOP at noon Saturday. Winner announced Saturday night!

AIRPORT SHUTTLE-GOERS! On Monday morning, please meet the bus at the circle drive / cul de sac between Barnes and Rec & Wellness Center a little before 9:00 a.m.

HURRY! All Grassmarket Press books are 10% off until 3:00 p.m. TODAY (Friday)!!

The Home Mission Board has evangelistic books for you to take, read, use, and give away! Find these items on the table outside Phillippe room 137.

On Friday and Saturday afternoons from 2 to 4 p.m., anyone ages 12 to adult interested in playing chess or any other board games can bring their chess set and/or games to the Global Grounds room in the Barnes Student Center behind the coffee shop.

CROWN & COVENANT: To get a candy bar on Friday, you must be one of the first 100 to wish C&C staff member David Blair a happy birthday in the store, and he won’t be in the store until after lunch! The 100th person also gets $20 in-store cash to use at the C&C bookstore.
Also: A copy of The Book of Psalms for Worship that is engraved with the words “Crown & Covenant” will be hidden in one of the buildings we are using for the conference. If you find it, bring it to the bookstore for a free conference T-shirt and $10 in-store cash.
Day 1 of “Where Is The Book of Psalms for Worship?” … FOUND by New Song’s Sarah Cavanaugh! Congratulations to Sarah!
Day 2: FOUND by Ben Goerner! Go, Ben!

Due to popular demand, another Singles Adult meetup has been added to the schedule. NOTE LOCATION CHANGE!
Single Adults Coffee Hour @ Barnes Piazza near the conference office. Grab a coffee at Trader James across from the Piazza–at the other end of the Barnes thoroughfare from McConn Coffee. — Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 9 p.m.

CANCELLED – Thursday Open Softball Tournament: Due to a lack of signups for the Open Division Softball Tournament, we are cancelling that event. The Presbytery competition will still take place on Friday.
Today’s Scheduled Tournament: Today (THURSDAY) is the Presbytery basketball tournament from 2:30-4:45 p.m. in the RWC IAC Courts 1-3. Check in at the gym with Matt Boyle and Nathan McFarland to find your court and the bracket schedule.
Soccer and Ultimate Frisbee: For those interested in playing soccer or ultimate frisbee, we have access to the multipurpose fields as you go down Wildcat drive, past the IWU competition fields. Soccer balls and ultimate frisbees are available from the Conference office. Open field time runs from 1-4:30 p.m. in the afternoon.
OFF LIMITS: Please be aware that we DO NOT have access to the main IWU athletics facilities. Also, in the evenings Luckey Arena in the RWC is NOT available for Open Gym. Please use the back gyms for volleyball, basketball and other activities.

VOLUNTEERS Needed (Friday – Juniors Activity): From 1:45-3 p.m. on Friday, we will meet out on the Goodman Lawn (YAY no rain forecasted!). We are in need of 8-10 parent volunteers to supervise lawn game stations – mini soccer, a bean bag toss, cornhole, t-ball, etc. Please show up and let Judy, Clara or Rose know that you are there to help. BIG THANK YOU!! to Kyle Beckhusen, Nick Bloom, Joy Faulk, and Megan Warner for coming to the rescue when we moved indoors on Wednesday!!

CHANGE/UPDATE: The Wildcat Express and Chick-Fil-A will NOT be open in the afternoons, despite what is listed in the program booklet.

FRIDAY at 2:00 p.m. in Globe Theatre: The Windmill Pete Books by Bob Hemphill
“The Windmill Pete Books: Learning More about the Story”
The author will tell how these books came to be, what motivated him to write them. He will also read sections of the books and will encourage other authors. Don’t miss it!

Please note this change to the seminar schedule:
Thursday morning David Smith will present “Joyful Noise to Holy Splendor” at 10:30 in the Globe Theatre.
Calvin Troup will present “Weathering the Storm: Geneva College” on Friday morning at 10:30 in the Globe Theatre.

Someone bought a set of Bible Alphabet books to be given away to someone else! If you would like to be in the drawing to receive a free set of books, put your name and phone number in the lock box on the Alphabet book table in the hall outside the chapel. We will draw the name of the winner Thursday night.

Pastors’ Wives Meet-up: Thursday at 3:30 p.m. on the Piazza of Barnes Student Center. Contact Alicia Hemphill with questions.

Juniors Program Assistance: Please sign up here to assist with the Juniors program for one morning–thank you!

Where is The Book of Psalms for Worship?
On Wednesday through Saturday, a copy of The Book of Psalms for Worship that is engraved with the words “Crown & Covenant” will be hidden in one of the buildings that we are using for the conference. If you find it, bring it to the bookstore for a free conference T-shirt and $10 in-store cash. Listen to daily announcements for additional specials.

Please come by the RPM&M table to look around and to RECORD YOUR GUESS as to how many M&Ms are in the big jar! Winner will be announced at the end of the week.
(Trustees of Synod)

LORD’S DAY AFTERNOON PSALM SING: The Lord’s Day afternoon Psalm Sing will include many “favorite Psalms,” but they must be submitted electronically in advance. We will curate the list of submitted favorites, in order to get a mix of styles and themes, as well as ages and congregations/Presbyteries. In order to submit a favorite:
1. Please contact Luke O’Neill via text at 412.709.3466 or via Facebook Messenger.
2. Include your name, local congregation (even if not RP!), and age group you are attending at RPI (adult, college, high school, juniors, etc.)
3. All submissions must be received by Noon on Friday.

Volleyball Presbytery Tournament: The Volleyball Presbytery Tournament begins at 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday afternoon in the Recreation and Wellness Center Practice Gym (not Luckey Arena). Please report to the gym to review the bracket with Matthew and Maggie Thoman.
Tournament Schedule: All tournaments will be held from 2:30-4:45 p.m. with basketball and volleyball in the Recreation and Wellness Center in the practice gym. Softball will be on the practice fields.
Wednesday – Volleyball Presbytery Tournament
Thursday – Basketball Presbytery Tournament; Softball Open Division Tournament (this is a switch)
Friday – Volleyball Open Division Tournament; Softball Presbytery Tournament (this is a switch)
Saturday – Basketball Open Division Tournament
Equipment Note: If you are using the Recreation and Wellness Center, please check in at the front desk for balls to use. If you are wanting a ball to use outdoors, please use your own or borrow one from the Conference Headquarters office.
Recreation Information: Full recreation schedule with Open Gym times for all ages is in the back section of the Conference Program booklet.
Board Games and Puzzles: If you are looking for a board or card game to play, or a puzzle to put together, some are available in the Conference Headquarters office. Please return when you are finished.
Lawn Games: There are several lawn games available in the Conference Headquarters office – cornhole, spikeball, can jam. Please return when you are finished.
Juniors Activities (Wednesday): We will be in the Recreation and Wellness Center practice gym today due to weather.

Wednesday is Congregational T-Shirt Day!
Any day is a great day to show off your congregational RP T-shirts, but Wednesday is especially dedicated to the display and appreciation of your congregation’s emblems, ideals, and creativity in t-shirt form!

DAILY PRAYER TIMES UPDATE: Those wishing to participate in the scheduled daily prayer times in the dorm and lodge lounges should note the following regarding location: Those residing in Evans and the Townhouses should join the group in Hodson Hall. All others should go to the main lounge in your dorm or lodge.

Disability Ministry workshops throughout the week:
1. How Can I Help? Wed @ 10:30 a.m. in Phillippe 137
2. Who Cares for Caregiver? Thurs @ 10:30 a.m. in Phillippe 133
3. Friendship Bible Study Demonstration. Thurs @ 1:30 p.m. in Barnes 143
4. Camp JOY. Friday @ 10:30 a.m. in Phillippe 133
5. Friendship Bible Study Discussion. Fri @ 1:30 p.m. in Barnes 143
6. Testimonies of God’s Grace. Sat @ 10:30 a.m. in Phillippe 133

A Reminder about an update to the printed booklet: The Blue Banner Quilt Show will NOT be held on Thursday or Friday as shown in the printed conference booklet. The Blue Banner Quilt Show will be held Saturday evening as originally scheduled.

- Single Adults Meetup @ Commons — Wed 3:15 PM – 4:15 PM
- Single Adults Coffee Hour @ McConn Coffee Co. — Thurs and Friday, 9 PM

Precenting Techniques and Practice seminar on Saturday afternoon:
A follow-up to “Precenting for the Musically Illiterate.” If you can find your way around reading music, but don’t know much about how to lead a congregation in song, this session is for you. Topics we’ll cover include setting the tone and keeping time. We’ll conclude with a psalm sing to give you and your fellow participants an opportunity to practice what you’ve learned.

Tournament Sign-ups: Sign-up sheets for the Volleyball, Basketball, and Softball Tournaments are available in the Barnes Center Plaza area (outside of the RPIC office) Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning. We will do Presbytery tournaments on Wednesday and Thursday, and Open Division tournaments on Friday and Saturday.
Juniors Activities: If there is inclement weather on Wednesday during the Juniors Activities time, it will move indoors to the Recreation and Wellness Center back gym.
Pickleball: Pickleball courts are not available on campus. There are community courts available at Matter Park in Marion (River & Quarry Roads).
Golf: The IWU staff has recommended Arbor Trace Golf Club (2500 East 550 North) for those who have brought their clubs and want to hit the links.