Reformed Presbyterian International Conference (RPIC) is a six-day gathering of Reformed Presbyterian congregations to promote reverence, unity, and partnership in the gospel. The conference has a long history, and some have attended for many years, but for some individuals and families, the conference serves as an open door to a broader view of what it means to be a Reformed Presbyterian. Our RP church family extends across six continents and, God willing, we fellowship with brothers and sisters from 12 time zones during the week. We expect about 2,000 people, which will include newborns and octogenarians, to come and practice the 100 “one anothers” of the New Testament church.
The week’s activities will include teaching from the book of Daniel, preaching from the book of Exodus, Psalm singing, prayer, adult workshops and seminars, kids classes, ministry display booths, and book tables. We will enjoy the company of this part of God’s church and grow in our understanding and love of others around dinner tables, across ping-pong tables, along sidewalks, across basketball courts and during late night conversation. Most conferences that you have been to are dedicated to a particular occupation, artistic endeavor or age group, but RPIC, like the church of Christ, will look and feel much broader.
RPIC is an opportunity for the church to be built up together as a spiritual house. The purpose is fourfold:
- To foster and promote spiritual growth;
- To worship God corporately;
- To promote the mission and ministry of the church; and
- To encourage and enrich Christian fellowship.
We ask that you come to the conference with an attitude of reverence for God, of love and enthusiasm for the work of the church, and of humility and service toward other conferees.