Thursday Morning Seminars
RP Missions; Two Decades Serving, Proclaiming, & Discipling
Matt Filbert
An overview of the growth and development of RP Missions and looking ahead at new opportunities to encourage saints and develop servants to the glory of God.
Rural Ministry: Problems, Potential, and Pathway
Kyle Borg
Rural areas have suffered as America becomes urban and suburban. The church hasn’t been immune. But Christ still calls us to the “highways and hedges.” This seminar looks at the particular difficulties of ministry in a rural context, the great potential it has, and a pathway forward to further promote Christ’s work in one of the most neglected areas of our outreach.
Is Your Church a Healthy Church?: What Christ Wants His Bride To Be
Jerry O’Neill
People today, even in Reformed churches, tend to measure the health of a church by how many attend the worship services and the midweek services or programs of the church, or by how orthodox the theology is. At this seminar we will discuss other things that need to be present if we desire to please God through a vibrant, healthy church.
Aging in Place: Ideas to help our aging member locally within our individual RPCNA communities and congregations.
Reformed Presbyterian Women’s Association – led by Bill Weir
A variety of ideas will be presented and discussed about how we can best provide appropriate care for our elderly members while allowing them to remain in their own homes and localities. Please come and contribute what is working well in your own congregation or family.
Congregational Singing: Why We Should Sing Together More and Why Every Voice Is Important
Dr. Matt Kickasola, Professor at Geneva College
Just why is communal singing so vital in the life of the Church? What implications spring from Paul’s linking the very physical activity of singing together with the very spiritual work of the Holy Spirit? What should true, biblical singing sound like? Perhaps the soundscapes of God’s people from the Old Testament and New Jerusalem will challenge many assumptions we tend to encounter today.
Productivity: Self-Management
Jerry Porter
Whether you are a Pastor, Professional, Work-at home dad, Stay-at home mom, or a Student, this seminar will help you increase your personal productivity to do more for the glory of God. I will be sharing what I have learned about getting things done in today’s high-tech world by increasing productivity. Productivity is not managing time, but of managing ourselves with respect to time. This seminar is not about your clock; it’s about your course. Provided by RP Vital Churches.
Leadership Development; Equipping the Next Generation
Panel led by James Faris
In Proverbs, Solomon imparted wisdom for leadership development to his son and all Israel. The Lord calls us to cultivate leaders in our generation. We need young, old, men, and women to rise up as leaders in many ministries within and beyond our congregations. This panel will address how to identify, teach, train, and empower those with leadership gifts.
The Leavers; Why Are Young People Leaving the Church?
Dr. Dean R. Smith
For the last decade, multiple researchers have noted a decline in church membership and church involvement in the “millennial generation.” This trend is across denominational lines. The RPCNA is not immune. What can we learn from this trend? How can we be more effective in reaching this generation?
Faithfully Navigating the Digital Environment
Calvin L. Troup
How do we live and work faithfully in a world that seems dominated by digital communication media? Well-established indicators suggest that Internet and today’s digital devices are reshaping our hearts, minds, souls, and strength. The Scriptures offer keen insight into the power of these technologies and provide sound direction for walking faithfully in the midst of this digital age.
Teach Them Diligently: The Call of God for Worship and Instruction in the Home
Stephen Rhoda
By hearing clearly the call of God, Christian parents can live with a glorious sense of purpose! This seminar will call, encourage, and equip parents to be diligent in taking the primary role for the instruction of their children in the Reformed faith. Attention will be given to family devotions, family worship, and catechism in the home using the Reformed confessions.
Thursday Afternoon Seminars
How to Write for Publication: From Blah to Aha!
E&P Board
You have a brilliant idea. You feel moved to write an article or book. How can you pitch your idea and phrase your thoughts to get the best possible response from publishers and readers? Whether you are looking to have your article printed in a magazine like the RP Witness, picked up by a publisher like Crown & Covenant, or want to self-publish, you will benefit from this workshop. Drew Gordon (co-director of Crown & Covenant Publications) and special guests will offer 10 dos and don’ts to make your writing unique, accessible, appealing, and an excellent contribution to the kingdom of God.
Sharpening Our Communications; Proverbs 16:23: The heart of the wise instructs his mouth and adds persuasiveness to his lips
Kurt Donath
When we enter into a discussion with others, we bring our own personal style, but often we’re communicating with other people who use a different style than we do. These differences in style can be interpreted in ways that can help or hurt our relationships. Let’s explore how we can serve each other by taking into account those differences.
Clergy Tax Planning: Maximizing Three Unique Advantages
Cheryl Hemphill
Ministers of the gospel have a unique, dual tax status in the United States. In light of this, we will discuss three major tax advantages, and how that is worked out in the pay package from the church. Advance planning is critical! We will also look at the ACA (Affordable Care Act) and the effect this has had on health insurance for ministers.
Ruling Well: The Role of the Ruling Elder in the Life of the Congregation
Panel Discussion led by Joel Wood
A discussion on the relationship of the ruling elder to the pastor and people they are called to serve and serve with. What about the Presbytery and Synod? How do I encourage my pastor and keep him accountable at the same time? Come, join the conversation. Provided by RP Vital Churches.
The School of Money
David Merkel
Most people do not now need help with investing, as much as they need help developing and managing their cash flow. This seminar will go into the main dimensions of what most people need to do to get their financial house in order.